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T. 傅及家人



我叫K. 凱爾索,是美國公民查爾斯-李的朋友。查爾斯只因為他是法輪功學員就在中國被抓。我寫信給您,希望您能竭盡全力營救查爾斯回美國。查爾斯人很善良,和善可親。他只是要去中國探親,不應受到懲罰。


K. 凱爾索(K. Kelso)






A. Kong





所羅門 (D. Solomon)


Letter 1,

Dear Secretary of State Collin Powell,

I am writing to urge you to use all your power to help get US citizen Charles Lee back. Charles worked in our office briefly, and he is a very nice colleague to work with. He shouldn't be punished for being a Falun Gong practitioner.

When I told my family about Charles' arrest in China, they are all shocked and want to show their support. We hope that you can do everything possible to bring this gentleman back home.

Thank you.

T. Fu and family

Letter 2,

Dear Secretary of State Collin Powell,

My name is K. Kelso and I am a friend of Charles Lee, the American citizen arrested in China for being a Falun Gong practitioner. I am writing in hopes that Secretary of State Collin Powell will do everything he can to help bring Charles back to the US. He is a kind and gentle soul, who just wanted to visit his family in China, and shouldn't be punished.

We are all very disturbed by this shocking news so please do what you can to help get him back.

Thank you.

K. Kelso

Letter 3

Dear Secretary of State Collin Powell,

I am a resident in the San Francisco Bay Area. I am appalled to hear the comments from San Francisco Chinese Consulate spokesperson in a recent TV interview about his country's arrest of US Citizen Charles Lee. The spokesperson, Lei Hong, said that people who practice Falun Gong should not go to China during the Chinese New Year as it would increase burden to the already busy Chinese police. He then continued shamelessly that the Consulate is in control of a full list of the overseas Falun Gong practitioners. He seemed to be proud that they had been successful in spying over the Falun Gong practitioners in the U.S. As President Bush said in his State of the Union speech, ". the price of indifference would be catastrophic." Not long ago, they got our spy plane and the crews. Now they got our citizen that simply practices Chinese meditation. What's next?

Americans should not tolerate such abuse to freedom of beliefs and human rights. Let's get our countryman back.


A. Kong

Letter 4,

Dear Secretary of State Collin Powell,

I was shocked to hear that Charles Lee was arrested in China and is facing groundless charges. I am very concerned about the matter as 3 of my employees also practice Falun Gong, so I know how serious the persecution is of Falun Gong practitioners. It happened to one of my employees when she went to China around Christmas time in 1999 that she was detained for 2 weeks simply because she was a Falun Gong practitioner.

I hope that our government will do whatever we can to bring Charles back soon.


D. Solomon

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