
-------- 《轉法輪》


松果體是一個神秘的器官, 三百年前法國哲學家雷諾.底卡地斯將之描述為「靈魂的座椅」。現在已經很清楚地知道松果體調解所有的內分泌器官的功能而被稱為「內分泌器官總司令」。《轉法輪》一書中指出,松果體是天目的基礎(圖1),松果體在維持健康中,對環境壓力產生適應性反應, 這是通過人體,生命和宇宙的相互作用實現的。因此,松果體被認為是至關重要的器官(2)。



衰老,失眠,和乳腺癌是絕經期婦女的主要疾病。美樂托寧可能與絕經期相關過程如乳腺癌和衰老有關。儘管美樂托寧替代療法治療所有絕經期婦女仍未能通過,但有證據表明美樂托寧確能改善更年期婦女綜合症 (13)。在絕經期婦女開始煉法輪功後恢復月經是司空見慣的。可以進一步推測,內源性美樂托寧的增加有可能導致絕經期婦女練功後恢復了月經。




1. Booth, F. M. 1987. The human pineal gland: a review of the "third eye" and the effect of light. Aust N Z J Ophthalmol 15:329.

2. Pettersson, P. 2000. The pineal gland - The bridge between the physical and spiritual reality. http://www.alphaomega.se/english/pineal.html.

3. Brzezinski, A. 1997. Melatonin in humans. N Engl J Med 336:186.

4. Reppert, S. M. 1997. Melatonin receptors: molecular biology of a new family of G protein-coupled receptors. J Biol Rhythms 12:528.

5. Beyer, C. E., J. D. Steketee, and D. Saphier. 1998. Antioxidant properties of melatonin--an emerging mystery [published erratum appears in Biochem Pharmacol 1999 May 1;57(9):1077]. Biochem Pharmacol 56:1265.

6. Lahiri, D. K., and C. Ghosh. 1999. Interactions between melatonin, reactive oxygen species, and nitric oxide. Ann N Y Acad Sci 893:325.

7. Wetterberg, L. 1999. Melatonin and clinical application. Reprod Nutr Dev 39:367.

8. Reiter, R. J., J. Cabrera, R. M. Sainz, J. C. Mayo, L. C. Manchester, and D. X. Tan. 1999. Melatonin as a pharmacological agent against neuronal loss in experimental models of Huntington"s disease, Alzheimer"s disease and parkinsonism. Ann N Y Acad Sci 890:471.

9. Pappolla, M. A., Y. J. Chyan, B. Poeggeler, P. Bozner, J. Ghiso, S. P. LeDoux, and G. L. Wilson. 1999. Alzheimer beta protein mediated oxidative damage of mitochondrial DNA: prevention by melatonin. J Pineal Res 27:226.

10. Maestroni, G. J., A. Conti, and W. Pierpaoli. 1988. Pineal melatonin, its fundamental immunoregulatory role in aging and cancer. Ann N Y Acad Sci 521:140.

11. Caroleo, M. C., D. Frasca, C. Mancini, G. Nistico, and G. Doria. 1990. Effect of melatonin on T helper cell activity. Pharmacol Res 22 Suppl 3:53.

12. Caroleo, M. C., D. Frasca, G. Nistico, and G. Doria. 1992. Melatonin as immunomodulator in immunodeficient mice. Immunopharmacology 23:81.

13. FLG, P. o. Experience-sharing articles. http://big5.minghui.org/eng.html.

14. van Coevorden, A., J. Mockel, E. Laurent, M. Kerkhofs, M. L~Hermite-Baleriaux, C. Decoster, P. Neve, and E. Van Cauter. 1991. Neuroendocrine rhythms and sleep in aging men. Am J Physiol 260:E651.

15. Reiter, R. J. 1995. The pineal gland and melatonin in relation to aging: a summary of the theories and of the data. Exp Gerontol 30:199.

16. Dilman, V. M., V. N. Anisimov, M. N. Ostroumova, V. K. Khavinson, and V. G. Morozov. 1979. Increase in lifespan of rats following polypeptide pineal extract treatment. Exp Pathol (Jena) 17:539.

17. Pierpaoli, W., and W. Regelson. 1994. Pineal control of aging: effect of melatonin and pineal grafting on aging mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 91:787.

18. Reppert, S. M., and D. R. Weaver. 1995. Melatonin madness. Cell 83:1059.

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